Guava to Kiwi: 8 fruits with highest amount of protein

Guava, a tropical fruit, has higher protein than any other fruit. This is also beneficial for your metabolic health. 



This fruit found in South America, Asia and Africa is a gold mine of nutrients and protein. It also contains high amounts of fibre and potassium. 


Raw blackberries have high protein along with fibre, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and manganese. It is beneficial for heart disease and colon cancer among other diseases.


This is one of the fruits containing the highest amount of protein. Other than protein, these also have fiber, vitamin E, vitamin C, magnesium, and folate.


Apricots are packed with beta-carotene, a pigment that has powerful cellular-protective properties. 


Pomegranate seeds have a surprisingly high amount of protein. These are useful for improving cognitive function, reducing heart-related diseases among other functions.


These small oval-shaped fruits contain Vitamin C, E and K other than a high amount of protein. Foods like oats and yoghurt bowls have a high amount of protein. 


This is one of the healthiest fruits in the world. It contains a high amount of protein along with Vitamin C and potassium. It helps to reduce heart disease risks, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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