“God gives gifts to everyone, some can write, some can dance. He gave me the skill to play football and I am making the most of it.”

“Football is about joy. It’s about dribbling. I favour every idea that makes the game beautiful. Every good idea has to last.”

“No matter who you are it’s the simple things in life that lead you to believe that you can achieve anything.”

“My game is based on improvisation. Often a forward does not have the time to think too much. You have a second, rarely more, to decide whether to dribble, shoot or pass to the right or left. It is instinct that gives the orders.”

“I have the chance to do for a living what I like the most in life, and that’s playing football. I can make people happy and enjoy myself at the same time.”

“People would watch me play and smile. They were happy. I was whole.”

“When I played at Barça, I was the happiest man alive, I only wanted to play under these colours."

“I learned all about life with a ball at my feet.”