Happy Father's Day! 10 fun things to do with your dad

Indoor picnic  Have an indoor picnic by rearranging thr furniture. Have your father's favourite lunctime goodies and snacks. Plus no need to worry about the bugs.

Plant a herb garden Plant herbs so you can get fresh ones for all your meals.  Either plant a garden and give it to Dad as a gift, or gather all of the supplies ahead of time, and plant the garden together.

Host a breakfast gathering Get the whole family together to plan celebratory breakfast spread that will touch his heart and fill his belly. 

Go on a bike ride Dust off the bikes and ride around the park or your neighborhood to make Dad feel special.

Cook something adventurous Consider thinking outside the box and create a meal with something you wouldn't usually go for like bison burgers or grilled octopus tentacles.

Construct something out of Legos  Why not deep dive into a long-term Lego project? Help Dad build models of favorite movie props like the Death Star or the Hogwarts castle.

Camp indoors Bring the beauty of the outdoors, inside! Much like the picnic idea, create a space in your living room to pitch a tent and layout sleeping bags.  Pop popcorn in the microwave for an extra touch.

Have a pizza party Make or buy some premade pizza dough and put different toppings in bowls and have Dad decorate it with the kids.

Tackle a DIY project Whether it's painting that unfinished guest room with a great bedroom paint color or hanging curtains in the kitchen, Dad will definitely appreciate your assistance.

Learn his signature recipe Father's Day is the perfect opportunity for dad to pass on his trademark recipe. Ask him to show you the ropes of preparing his favourite recipe and then share the meal together.