Happy Feet:  Home remedies to heal your cracked heels

Mash ripe bananas and apply the pulp to your feet. Leave it for 20 minutes, and rinse. Bananas contain vitamins A, B6, and C, which help to keep up the elasticity of the skin. 


Mix some honey in warm water and soak your feet in it. Honey is a well-known natural antiseptic that aids in healing cracked feet. 


Vegetable oils are abundant in vitamins A, D, and E all of which revamp the skin and heal cracks by creating new cells.

Vegetable Oil

Combine Vaseline and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture over your heels and gently massage. Lemon’s acidic properties mixed with the moisturising effect of Vaseline are perfect to get rid of dry skin and cracked feet.

Vaseline and lemon juice

Rice flour is an excellent natural exfoliant that helps to remove dead skin cells and soften the skin. Honey is a natural moisturiser that keeps the feet moist. Vinegar is an antiseptic that kills bacteria. Their combination is the best treatment for cracked heels.

Rice flour, honey and vinegar

Use coconut oil regularly on your underfoot. It can help your skin retain moisture. 

Coconut oil

Rosewater and glycerine are the ideal combination for cracked heels. Rosewater is a natural cleanser. It removes impurities and makes it appear softer. 

Glycerine and rosewater

 Blend oats into a fine powder and add it to warm water. Soak your feet in this oatmeal bath to soothe and moisturise.


Apply fresh aloe vera gel on your heels. It has healing and moisturising properties.

Aloe vera gel