The magical health benefits of an early dinner

Moneycontrol News August 1, 2023

Images: UnSplash

Improved Digestion

Eating early allows your body to have enough time to digest the food before you go to bed. This prevents acid reflux and indigestion, promoting better sleep.

Weight Management

An early dinner gives your body more time to burn off the calories consumed. Eating closer to bedtime can lead to weight gain because the metabolism slows down during sleep.

Better Sleep Quality

Having dinner early can improve your sleep quality. When you eat late at night, your body's energy is directed towards digestion rather than relaxation, potentially leading to disrupted sleep.

Enhanced Metabolism

Early dinner allows your body to efficiently process nutrients and distribute energy throughout the day, leading to increased energy levels.

Stable Blood Sugar Levels

An early dinner can help stabilise blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for people with diabetes or insulin resistance. It prevents spikes and crashes in blood sugar.