8 health benefits of drinking soaked coriander water daily

Moneycontrol News | July 09, 2024

By soaking coriander seeds overnight, the water absorbs essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. This enhances its medicinal properties, making it a potent remedy for digestive health, detoxification, immunity

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Digestive health: Soaked coriander water enhances digestion by stimulating production of digestive enzymes. It aids in breaking down food, facilitating better nutrient absorption and reducing digestive discomfort

Image: Canva

Detoxification: Coriander water acts as a natural detoxifier, supporting the body's detoxification processes by flushing out harmful toxins and promoting the efficient functioning of the liver and kidneys

Image: Canva

Anti-inflammatory properties: Rich in anti-inflammatory compounds like cineole and linoleic acid, coriander helps reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, alleviating symptoms of inflammatory conditions

Image: Canva

Antioxidant benefits: Loaded with vitamin C and beta-carotene, coriander water neutralises free radicals, protecting cells from oxidative stress and premature aging while promoting overall cellular health

Image: Canva

Improved Immunity: Regular consumption of coriander water boosts immunity due to its abundance of vitamins (A, C, K) and essential minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium). This boosts body's immunity against infections

Image: Canva

Regulated Blood Sugar Levels: Coriander water helps maintain stable blood sugar levels by promoting insulin secretion and improving glucose metabolism. This is beneficial for diabetes patients

Image: Canva

Hydration: Starting the day with  coriander water provides essential  hydration, replenishing fluids lost overnight and kickstarting metabolism. Hydration supports circulation and digestion

Image: Canva

Skin health: Antioxidants and vitamins  in coriander water keep skin healthy  by combating acne-causing bacteria, reducing inflammation, and promoting collagen production

Image: Canva