Health benefits of mangoes: Is it the King of Fruits for skin too?

Moneycontrol News | July 27, 2024

Mangoes are abundant in antioxidants, including vitamin C and vitamin A (beta-carotene), which neutralise free radicals produced by UV radiation, protecting skin from oxidative stress, sun damage

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Essential for collagen production, vitamin C keeps the skin firm and elastic. UV exposure can damage collagen, leading to ageing. Vitamin C counteracts this effect by promoting skin repair and regeneration

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As a precursor to vitamin A, beta-carotene is vital for skin health. It provides photoprotective properties, reducing the risk of sunburn and enhancing the skin's natural defense against UV radiation

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Consuming mangoes rich in beta-carotene can help improve skin resilience and reduce the harmful effects of sun exposure

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With their high water content, mangoes help keep the skin hydrated. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining skin elasticity, resilience against environmental stressors, including sun exposure

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Mangoes contain polyphenols like mangiferin, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. These compounds help reduce inflammation and protect the skin from UV damage

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By minimising the harmful effects of  UV rays, polyphenols in mangoes contribute to maintaining skin health and preventing sun-related skin issues

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The vitamins and nutrients in mangoes support skin repair and regeneration. They help heal sun-damaged skin, reduce the appearance of sunspots, and minimize hyperpigmentation

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Regular consumption of mangoes can enhance the skin's ability to recover from sun exposure, promoting an even and rejuvenated skin

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