benefits of No-sugar diet

Lose weight, control Type 2 diabetes, keep heart healthy

Moneycontrol News | April 12, 2024 | Images: Canva

Helps in managing weight: By eschewing added sugars, calorie intake can be reduced, promoting weight loss

Improves heart health: Lowering sugar consumption can mitigate inflammation and bolster cholesterol levels, reducing risk of heart disease

Reduces risk of Type 2 diabetes: Lowered sugar intake can forestall insulin resistance and enhance blood sugar control

Improve dental health: Reduced sugar means a diminished risk of tooth decay and cavities

Keeps skin healthy: For some individuals, reducing sugar intake translates to clearer skin and reduced acne

Boosts energy levels: Stable blood sugar levels stemming from a no-sugar diet can lead to consistent energy levels all day

Improves sleep quality: Decreased sugar intake can contribute to improved sleep quality and overall sleep patterns

Improves overall health: By eliminating  added sugars, the risk of chronic diseases like dementia, depression, and certain cancers can be diminished