Moneycontrol News | June 6, 2024

9 health benefits of drinking shikanji daily, summer's best drink

Refreshing and nutritious, lemon water  not only supports weight management,  when combined with honey and warm  water, but also serves as a go-to choice  for refreshment and hydration, especially  in the warmer months

Refreshing, nutritious

Image: Canva

Lemons are rich in essential nutrients that contribute to wellness. They are a rich source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant known for its immune-boosting properties. Lemons also contain flavonoids, potassium, and citric acid, all of which offer various health benefits

Loaded with health

Image: Canva

Lemon water is an excellent way to stay hydrated, as it provides the body with essential fluids while aiding in detoxification. The citric acid in lemons supports  liver function, helping to flush out toxins  from the body

Hydration and detoxification

Image: Canva

The high vitamin C content in lemon water strengthens the immune system, helping the body fight off infections and illnesses. It also promotes the production of collagen, essential for healthy skin and tissue repair

Boosts immune system

Image: Canva

Drinking lemon water before meals  can stimulate the production of  digestive enzymes, promoting better digestion and nutrient absorption. The  acidity of lemons may also help balance stomach pH levels and alleviate indigestion

Aids digestion

Image: Canva

Despite their acidic taste, lemons have  an alkalising effect on the body once metabolised. Balancing the body's pH  levels can help reduce inflammation  and prevent chronic diseases

Balances pH levels

Image: Canva

Lemon water is often touted as a weight loss aid because it promotes feeling of fullness and reduce cravings. Additionally, the pectin fibre found in lemon peel also helps suppress appetite and support weight loss efforts

Helps manage weight

Image: Canva

The antioxidants in lemon water, including vitamin C, help combat free radical damage and promote healthy, glowing skin. Regular consumption of lemon water may help reduce the signs of aging and improve skin texture

Is great for skin

Image: Canva

Potassium, another essential nutrient found in lemons, supports heart health by regulating BP and promoting proper cardiovascular function. The flavonoids in lemons also help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels

Keeps heart healthy

Image: Canva