11 benefits of tea tree oil: Fight dandruff, stop hair loss, itchy scalp

Moneycontrol News | August 5, 2024

Fights dandruff One of the most common uses of tea tree oil for hair is combating dandruff. Its antifungal properties help reduce the yeast that contributes to dandruff formation

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Promotes hair growth Tea tree oil helps increase blood flow to the scalp. This, in turn, nourishes the hair follicles. It can also unclog hair follicles, which might be blocked by excess sebum, allowing for better hair growth

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Reduces hair loss Its cleansing properties help in maintaining a healthy scalp, which can reduce hair loss. It also helps strengthen the roots, preventing hair breakage

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Soothes itchy scalp The anti-inflammatory and  soothing properties of tea tree oil  can provide relief from itchiness

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Natural lice treatment Tea tree oil helps kill lice and their eggs. Its insecticidal properties make it a natural alternative to chemical treatments

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How to use tea tree oil for hair Diluted tea tree oil: Never used it directly on the scalp or hair. Always dilute it with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil. A common dilution ratio is 3-5 drops of tea tree oil per tablespoon of carrier oil

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How to use tea tree oil for hair Tea tree oil shampoo: Add a few drops to your regular shampoo. You can also buy shampoos that contain the oil, specifically formulated to treat scalp issues

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How to use tea tree oil for hair Tea tree oil hair mask: Combine a few drops with like honey, yoghurt, or aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, cover with a shower cap, and leave it on for 20-30 minutes

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How to use tea tree oil for hair Scalp treatment: Mix it with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the affected areas. Leave the mixture on for a few hours or overnight, then wash your hair as usua

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