Healthy Chipotle Mayonnaise Recipe

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Mayonnaise, commonly known as mayo, is a popular dip that has become a staple for many cuisines. One widely loved form of mayonnaise is the Chipotle mayo.

Ingredients Bell Peppers (Red and Yellow) Garlic Almonds Mint Leaves Paneer Pepper Powder Red Chillies Oregano Salt Water

Take one roasted bell pepper (yellow) and chop it into thick pieces. Add it to a blender.

Next up, add 6-7 pieces of soaked almonds without skin, some red chilies (as per your preference), garlic cloves, 7-8 mint leaves and 100-gram paneer to the grinder.

Add some spices to enhance the flavour like black pepper and oregano.

Put some salt (as per your taste) and some water in the blender.

Blend everything well till you see a thick orange paste-like mixture.

Take the mixture out in a small bowl. Your homemade Chipotle mayonnaise is ready.