Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

Healthy Green Smoothie Recipe for Breakfast 


2 cups of chopped spinach    1/2 cup of apple pieces    1/2 cup of orange pieces    1 teaspoon of chopped ginger    1 1/2 cups of cold curd    1 tablespoon of honey    1 tray of ice cubes (optional)

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Start by thoroughly washing the spinach. Remove the thick stalks and chop the spinach finely. 

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Similarly, prepare the apple by cutting it and removing the seeds from the orange pieces.

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 Now, combine the chopped spinach, apple, orange pieces, and cold curd in a blender. Blend the mixture until smooth and well combined.

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Next, pour in half a cup of water and add the ice cubes to the smoothie. Blend the mixture once more until it reaches a smooth and creamy consistency. 

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Once it’s ready, transfer the green smoothie from the blender to a large container, and then pour it directly into your serving glass. You can add ice cubes to the smoothie to enhance it further. 

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Your flavorful and nutritious green smoothie is now ready! Serve it immediately and avoid keeping it for too long.