12 ways to change how you bathe every day, stay disease free

Moneycontrol News | August 24, 2024

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Neem is a natural powerhouse when it comes to fighting off bacteria and fungi. Neem leaves or oil to your bath keeps your skin infection free and reduces body odour


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Its anti-inflammatory properties  also soothe any existing irritation, leaving your skin feeling fresh and clean

Treat skin irritations

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A salt bath is good for relaxation. Salt has natural antiseptic and detoxifying properties that help cleanse the skin, remove toxins, and soothes itchy patches


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Epsom or sea salt added to your  bathwater can also help exfoliate dead skin cells, leaving your skin smoother  and less prone to irritation

Exfoliate dead skin cells

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Lemon is known for its acidic nature, which helps in balancing the pH level of the skin. This makes it harder for odour-causing bacteria to thrive


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Adding a few drops of lemon juice can keep you smelling fresh throughout the day. Its astringent properties also help tighten pores, reducing sweat production

Smell fresh, feel fresh

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Turmeric is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Adding a pinch of turmeric to your bath can help heal minor cuts and wounds


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It also prevents fungal infections, and improve the overall health of your skin. It's especially beneficial during the monsoon when the skin is more prone to infections

Ward off fungal infections

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Baking soda is a common kitchen ingredient that works wonders in neutralising body odour. It absorbs sweat and reduces the acidity of sweat

Baking Soda

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It in turn decreases the growth of bacteria. A spoonful of baking soda in your bath can help you stay odour-free and comfortable

Use just a spoonful

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It is another excellent addition to your  bath routine. Known for its antifungal  and antibacterial properties

Tea Tree Oil

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It prevents skin infections caused by excess moisture. A few drops of the oil in your bathwater can keep your skin healthy and protect against common ailments

Just a few drops are enough