Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

Hilarious Pranks You Can Play on April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day, observed annually on April 1st, provides an opportunity to inject excitement into our daily lives. It is a time-honoured tradition that allows people to engage in harmless fun and laughter.

Create a surprising moment by placing a layer of bubble wrap under a rug. When someone steps on the rug, they’ll be startled by the unexpected noise of popping bubbles.

 Place fake spills or messes in common areas using materials like ketchup, mustard or paint. Your family or friends will be startled until they realize it’s a prank.

Swap labels on household items, such as sugar and salt containers, to create confusion during cooking or morning routines.

 Cover the sensor on the TV remote with a small piece of tape, rendering it temporarily non-functional. Watch as your victim struggles to get the remote to work.

Rearrange the keys on a computer keyboard to spell out a funny message or simply mix them up for a frustrating but harmless prank.

Surprise your partner with a playful prank before bedtime. Slip a few balloons into their pillowcase and hold back your laughter as they discover the unexpected surprise when they lay their head down for the night

Place a realistic-looking fake insect inside a lampshade. When the lamp is turned on, it will cast a creepy shadow, frightening someone suddenly.

If your partner enjoys their morning tea, add a pinch of salt to it for a surprising twist. While it might catch them off guard initially, use the opportunity to remind them with a smile that it’s all in good fun for April 1st.

 Remember to keep your pranks lighthearted and harmless, ensuring that they don’t cause any real harm to your loved ones. It’s all about sharing fun on April Fool’s Day.