best Ayurvedic herbs that help you detox 

Moneycontrol News | December 5, 2023 | Images: Canva

Turmeric is a potent detoxifying herb. Its active compound, curcumin, is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric stimulates bile production, aiding in liver detoxification processes

Incorporating turmeric into your  diet or consuming it as a herbal supplement can support your body's natural detox mechanisms

Comprising three fruits — amalaki (Indian gooseberry), bibhitaki, and haritaki — Triphala is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine. This powerful combination works synergistically to detoxify the body

It promotes healthy digestion, aiding in the elimination of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Triphala also supports liver function and helps maintain regular bowel movements, crucial for effective detoxification

Neem, known as the 'wonder leaf' in Ayurveda, boasts potent detoxifying properties. Its bitter taste indicates its ability to cleanse the body

Neem supports the liver, enhancing its detoxification capabilities. Additionally, its antimicrobial properties help combat toxins and purify the blood, promoting clearer skin and overall health

Ginger, a versatile herb, stimulates the digestive fire, or 'agni', promoting the breakdown of toxins in the body. It also supports healthy circulation, assisting in the elimination of waste and toxins through sweat

Ashwagandha prevents the build-up of toxins associated with stress-related imbalances. Its adaptogenic nature supports the body's resilience against various stressors, aiding in overall detoxification processes

Cilantro aids in detoxification by binding to heavy metals and facilitating their removal from the body. Rich in antioxidants, it supports liver function and promotes the elimination of toxins

Known for enhancing cognitive function, Brahmi assists the liver in removing toxins. Its rejuvenating properties promote overall well-being, contributing to a holistic detoxification experience