7 home remedies for acne with simple kitchen ingredients

Moneycontrol News | July 09, 2024

If you are looking for acne-soothing remedies, look for help in your own kitchen. Mix these common foods and ingredients, to cure acne. What’s more, you can also keep your skin glowing, moisturised and healthy

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Grapes: Resveratrol in the skin of red  grapes has bactericidal activity against Cutibacterium acnes. Cut two or three grapes in half and rub the flesh over your face and neck, before rinsing off with cool water

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Cucumber facemask: Make a paste by blending one small cucumber and 1 cup of oatmeal. Mix a teaspoon of this paste with 1 tsp of plain yoghurt and apply it to your face for 30 minutes, and then rinse

Image: Canva

Cucumber face pack: Mash one  whole cucumber, strain the water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, and mix well. Apply to your face and leave it on for 10 minutes; then wash with cold water

Image: Canva

Honey mask: Before applying this mask, rinse your face with warm water. Then apply the honey and leave it on the skin for 30 minutes. Rinse the honey off with warm water

Image: Canva

Yeast and yoghurt mask: Combine 1 tsp of brewer’s yeast with plain yoghurt. Apply it to all the oily areas, leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close pores

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Oatmeal facial: Mix 2 tsp of oatmeal, 1 tsp of baking soda, and enough water to form a paste. Smooth the paste all over your face and very gently rub it in. Make sure not to over-exfoliate. Rinse thoroughly afterward

Image: Canva

Turmeric facial mask: Mix ½ cup of chickpea flour, 2 tsp each of turmeric powder, sandalwood powder, and ghee or almond oil and make a paste. Rub with pressure with both palms and fingers to remove all the paste. Rinse well with water after 10 minutes

Image: Canva

Always be careful about home remedies  for skincare. Some ingredients may not  suit your skin, and can irritate or harm it.  Be extra careful if you have a sensitive  skin or are prone to allergies

Image: Canva

Also, beware of acidic ingredients  like vinegars, lemon juice, and other  fruit juices that are often included in treatments to brighten skin. These can sometimes burn your skin

Image: Canva