8 home remedies for digital eye strain

Moneycontrol News | August 14, 2024

The rise in extended screen exposure is leading to eye-strain. Digital screens have reduced contrast and glare, which makes the eyes work hadrer

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Triphala eye wash: Triphala, a herbal preparation. Mix one teaspoon of Triphala powder in a cup of water, let it sit overnight, and use the strained liquid to wash the eyes in the morning. This works like a natural eye wash

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Antioxidant-rich foods: Foods high in antioxidants like amla (Indian gooseberry), turmeric, and green leafy vegetables can help safeguard your eyes

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Balanced diet: A balanced diet is important for your overall health, including the eyes. Ensure a diet rich in Vitamin A, found in carrots and spinach

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Palming technique: Rub the palms together to generate heat and place them over closed eyes for a few minutes to relax the eye muscles

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Adjust screen settings: Match screen brightness to room lighting and set screen colour temperature to warmer tones. This can help reduce eye strain

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Maintain safe distance: Watch TV or digital device from a distance of at least 18-24 inches from the screen

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Blink properly: People get glued to their gadgets and forget to blink their eyes. Frequent blinking can help retain moisture in eyes and reduce strain

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Proper sleep: Sufficient sleep is important. Ensure you get 7-8 hours of sleep to properly rest your eyes and also improve overall health

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