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How 2023 became WORLD's hottest year on record

Moneycontrol News December 11, 2023

Things started out slow. January 2023 was warmer than usual, but still only the seventh warmest January on record.

By May, things were heating up. Halfway through the year, temperatures became extraordinary.

June registered as the warmest June on record since scientists began keeping track in the mid-19th century.

July broke the monthly record as well.

August too broke the monthly record as temperatures soared.

September 2023 wasn’t simply the warmest September on record, but “far and away the most atypically warm month of any in NOAA’s 174 years of climate keeping,” said US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist Sarah Kapnick.

October was the fifth consecutive record-breaker, sealing the fate for 2023 to be declared as the warmest year ever recorded.