How Can Diabetics Manage Blood Sugar Levels In Winter?

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

People with diabetes witnesses blood sugar level rising during winter. Here are some measures you need to take to keep your blood sugar under control in winter.

Stay warm

Keep yourself warm by wearing woolen clothes as exposure to intense cold causes the release of stress hormones in the body which increase sugar levels.

Get your flu shot every year

It is difficult for diabetics to recover from flu and cold. Consult your doctor and go for flu vaccination as it can help reduce the chance of getting the flu.

Stress management

Make sure to keep yourself mentally engaged and stay socially active as winter is linked with anxiety and depression which result in erratic blood sugar levels.

Have complex carbohydrates and proteins

Maintain a proper diet with wholesome nutrition to manage your blood sugar levels. Increase intake of vegetables, vegetable soups, nuts and seeds.

Exercise regularly

Do not avoid exercising during winter. You can add indoor activities to your daily routine such as yoga or Zumba.