How colours affect us and our mental health

Colours can significantly impact our emotions, mood, and mental health. Here's a breakdown of how different colours can affect us.

Green: Soothes anxiety, balances emotions, and enhances calmness.

Blue: Reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and improves sleep.

Neutral colours (Beige, Gray): Provide stability and calmness.

Yellow: Improves mood, memory, and concentration.

Red: Stimulates energy, increases alertness, and boosts motivation.

Purple: Encourages creativity, relaxation, and peacefulness.

Orange: Enhances creativity, enthusiasm, and playfulness.

Turquoise: Uplifts mood, reduces anxiety, and inspires creativity.

Pink: Reduces stress, promotes happiness, and encourages self-love.

Coral: Fosters warmth, comfort, and social connections.

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