How much walk is too much walk?  Benefits of  walking daily

Regular walking improves cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure, increasing circulation, and lowering the risk of heart disease.

Walking produces endorphins, or "feel-good" chemicals, which assist in relieving stress, anxiety, and sadness.

Daily walks can boost energy and minimise exhaustion, particularly for those who live sedentary lives.

Walking aids weight management by burning calories and maintaining a healthy weight, lowering the risk of obesity-related health problems.

Walking and other weight-bearing exercises can increase bone density and lower the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Short walks can boost creativity, increase problem-solving abilities, and spark new ideas.

Walking regularly can assist regulate sleep cycles and increase sleep quality.

Short walks can help you renew and revitalise, which leads to better attention and productivity.

Walking has anti-inflammatory properties, which may lower the risk of chronic illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.

Walking every day enhances general health and can lower the risk of premature death from all causes.

Remember, every step counts and even a short 10-15 minute walk can have significant benefits. So, lace up those shoes and get walking!

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