How often should you  wash your hair

Moneycontrol News January 28, 2024

Images: Unsplash

Most of us follow a routine when it comes to washing our hair while others do it when it's convenient. But some hair types and textures require much more frequent washing than others.

Fine hair often requires daily washing as it is the finest of all hair textures. This is because people with fine hair tend to have more hairs on their head and every hair follicle has an oil gland attached to so it tends to get oily quickly.

Combination or medium hair tends to get oily at the roots and feel dryer towards the mid-lengths to ends. Medium textured hair will require washing every one-two days.

Thick hair has the widest strand diameter and is prone to moisture evaporation and dry ends; however, it tends to get oily less quickly. A hair wash in every 3-4 days is recommended for people with thick hair.

Coiled, curly hair is often the most fragile of all hair textures due to its unique curl structure. It absorbs and loses moisture quickly, leaving strands dry and brittle.

Similar to coarse textured hair, curly hair will not look and feel oily frequently. But, you should try and wash your hair every four days to maintain scalp health.