Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Mohit Bisht

How Salt Helps Remove Vastu Dosh & Negativity

Did you know that salt has an astrological significance? Take a look at some ways in which salt can help attract good luck.

Strengthens relationships

Storing the Himalayan salt on the right or left side of the primary door can help strengthen relationships.

Shield one from an evil eye

It is believed that salt shields a person from an evil eye and eradicates negativity.

Removes vastu dosh

Keeping salt in a pot or a utensil in the north or northeast direction removes negativity from your home.

Improves health

If anyone in your family is experiencing health problems it is believed keeping salt in a bowl near to them dispels the negative energy.

Discards negative thoughts

Taking a bath with a pinch of the Himalayan salt added to the water brings prosperity and joy.


This is based on general information. Before adopting any measures consult an expert.