How To Celebrate Propose Day 2024?

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Lined Circle

A day nestled in the heart of Valentine’s Week, Propose Day, on February 8th, beckons lovers worldwide to step into a world of romantic possibilities.

The day symbolizes commitment and love, making it a pivotal moment in the journey of two individuals deeply in love.

On Propose Day, many choose to pop the question in memorable ways, perhaps with a special gift or by planning a romantic outing. 

The roots of Propose Day are shrouded in mystery, but one notable proposal dates back to 1477 when the Austrian Archduke Maximilian proposed to Mary of Burgundy with a diamond ring.

Here are some creative ideas to make the day even more special this year.

Do a scavenger hunt that will have a special message or a question asking Will you be a future wife/husband?

Take him or her to a candlelight dinner and make that moment more special by singing some song or doing a little dance.

Prepare a surprise box and add a ring with some chocolates and flowers.

Go for a walk in a park or a beach, get down on your knees and propose.

Make it more special by taking them to a special place like a concert or a show.