How To Create A

Mini Garden At Home

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Do you want to own a garden but lack of space stops you from planning it?

Fret not, as we bring you some expert tips on how to create the perfect mini garden at home.

A window ledge or your staircase is more than enough to do some gardening, but with the right containers and plants.Choose from hanging plants that look attractive and freshen up the limited space.

A mini open-air tabletop garden like a terrarium would be the best way to add that tinge of greenery to an indoor space. Look for glass tumblers, bowls, and jars of various shapes and sizes.

Make use of teacups, teapots, thimbles, vintage sap buckets or tins, and willow baskets that look attractive and fit in any part of your home.

Opt for vertical gardening which can be a great space-saving trick. Vertical gardens can create a statement if the right hanging baskets, wine bottles or containers are used.

Not all the plants love the light. You can choose from plants that thrive in low-light conditions like ferns or snake plants. This is especially important if you're trying to grow plants in a limited space.

Choose plants with upright instead of horizontal growth, which are ideal for limited space homes. Go for perennial plants that last for at least two years or more to save effort and money.