Moneycontrol News, September 15, 2023

Images: Canva

Moneycontrol News, September 15, 2023

Images: Canva

Oats for reducing insulin resistance:  Oats contain soluble fibre like beta-glucans, which slows the digestion of carbs. This leads to a slow release of glucose into the bloodstream. Oats also reduce insulin resistance, an important factor in blood sugar regulation

Moneycontrol News, September 15, 2023

Images: Canva

Legume-based diet and glycemic control: Legumes like beans and lentils offer both soluble and insoluble fibre, which delays carbohydrate absorption, preventing post-meal rise in blood glucose. Protein in them help improve insulin sensitivity, assisting the body in utilising glucose effectively

Moneycontrol News, September 15, 2023

Images: Canva

Berries for managing glucose levels: Berries, including strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, are packed with antioxidants such as anthocyanins and polyphenols. These enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, promoting better blood sugar control

Moneycontrol News, September 15, 2023

Images: Canva

Quinoa for staying satiated: Quinoa is a whole grain that boasts both soluble and insoluble fibre. Its low glycemic index ensures a slower increase in blood sugar levels after consumption. The fibre  content also aids in prolonged satiety,  thus reducing the risk of overeating

Moneycontrol News, September 15, 2023

Images: Canva

Nuts to check blood sugar: Both almonds and walnuts contain healthy fats, protein, and fibre that collectively slow down the absorption of sugars. these fats help improve insulin sensitivity, promoting more efficient glucose utilisation

Moneycontrol News, September 15, 2023

Images: Canva

Leafy greens for metabolic support: Spinach and kale are low in carbohydrates yet rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. This fibre content slows down absorption of glucose. Their nutrient-dense nature contributes to overall metabolic well-being

Moneycontrol News, September 15, 2023

Images: Canva

Sweet potatoes vs. regular potatoes: Sweet potatoes boast a lower glycemic index than regular potatoes. This translates to a gentler influence on blood sugar levels. Their fibre content plays a key role in maintaining stable blood sugar by slowing down the digestion of carbohydrates