How To Deal With Post-holiday Cravings?

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Holiday habits are a bit difficult to get rid of as they are associated with leisure and fun time. Here are some effective tips to deal with post-holiday cravings.

Do exercises

Performing exercises can help improve blood flow and reduce unnecessary cravings.

Keep yourself hydrated and have a healthy diet

Keep yourself hydrated and include protein and fibre-rich foods in your diet. It can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Replace unhealthy snacks

Avoid unhealthy snacks like processed food and sugary drinks. Have healthy snack options like herbal tea or a sugar-free hot cocoa.

Schedule your meals

Make sure to schedule your meals as it can help curb your appetite and reduce those sweet cravings.

Get an adequate sleep

Get adequate sleep because insufficient sleep can cause an imbalance of leptin, the satiety hormone, and raise ghrelin, the hunger hormone.