How to deal with postpartum depression

Exercise when you can, as it can have an antidepressant effect for women with postpartum depression.


Developing the habit of eating nutritious foods can make you feel better and provide your body with the nutrients it requires.

Healthy diet

If you're feeling overwhelmed by breastfeeding, work, housework, or your elder children, make time for yourself and do something you enjoy.

Me time

Sleeping becomes difficult with babies. When your baby sleeps, make sure to take some time to rest and sleep.


Women with low DHA levels are more likely to experience postpartum depression. Increase your intake of fish oils, which may help with mood and brain function.

Fish oils

Examine your breast-feeding, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you have any difficulties or concerns.


Resist isolation. Meet your family, friends, or support groups and talk to them about your feelings.

Support groups

Mediation is the best way to reduce stress. It also helps you to focus on self-care.


If you are having difficulty coping with your symptoms, do not hesitate to contact a mental health professional who can assist you in developing a treatment plan.

Seek professional help

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