How To Detect Fake Cooking Oil

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

With the rise in food adulteration, ensuring the purity of cooking oil has become a concern. Here are some ways to detect the fake cooking oil.

Look for tamper-proof seals and secure caps. Broken seals or loose caps can indicate that the oil has been tampered with.

Check with the Packaging

Trusted brands often have certifications and quality marks on their packaging, which can give you additional assurance about the product’s authenticity.

Choose Wisely

Pure oil should be clear and have a consistent color typical of its type. If the oil appears murky or has visible particles, it is best to avoid using it. 


Authentic cooking oil will have a neutral or pleasant characteristic odour.


Each type of oil has a distinct taste profile. If the oil tastes bitter, off-putting, or has a strange flavour, it is best to discard it.
