How To Detox Your Skin Post-partys

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Increase fluid intake

Make water your best friend. Ideally, you should drink optimum amounts of water during the party season as well. In case you missed it or maybe replaced it with alcohol, time to up the level of water intake. 


Another important quick-fix for your lifeless skin is steaming. Clean out your skin pores by letting it eliminate all the dirt and impurities. This can be easily done at home. Just place a bowl of boiled water and lean your face over it while maintaining some distance. 

Do not skip workouts

You don’t have to engage in High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) already. Just spare about 30 minutes to take care of your health with light exercise. Go for a brisk walk or stretch — sweating will help you feel energised and burn off the extra calories. 

Ensure light eating

You may have done some or too much binging during the New Year party. Post celebrations, take care of your diet and start by adding light foods. Go for healthier choices, at least for a while (until you get rid of the exhausted feeling). 

Get some shuteye

Sleeping provides the best healing to your skin and body when extremely stressed. Your immune system is also boosted while you sleep. It aids in weight loss and improves heart health. So give your body enough rest to cap off your post-NYE detox.