7 easy ways to use watermelon for glowing skin in summer

Moneycontrol News | April 22, 2024 | Images: Canva

Juice: Drink freshly squeezed watermelon juice. It hydrates your skin from within, it’s high water content also helps maintain skin moisture levels and gives healthy glow

Rind: Watermelon rind contains citrulline, a compound which helps in skin repair. Rub the inner side of watermelon rind on your skin to soothe sunburns and reduce inflammation

Chunks: Apply watermelon slices directly to your skin to keep it cool, reduce puffiness and inflammation, particularly around the eyes. It soothes irritated skin and gives instant relief from sun exposure

Seeds: Make a DIY scrub by crushing watermelon seeds into a fine powder and mixing it with honey. This scrub gently removes dead cells and gives a radiant complexion underneath

Face mask: Blend watermelon pieces with malai (milk cream) and honey to create a hydrating face mask. Watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C, which promote collagen production and skin elasticity. Honey acts as a natural humectant, attracting moisture to the skin and leaving it soft and supple

Toner: Boil watermelon rind in water, strain, and let it cool to make a natural toner. The toner tightens pores, balances skin pH, and reduces excess oil production

Ice cubes: Freeze watermelon juice into ice cubes and rub them on your face and neck. It reduces puffiness and soothes irritated skin. Cold temperature constricts blood vessels and reduces inflammation and redness