How To Get Rid Of Body Hair Naturally

Turmeric and milk paste is a natural skin exfoliant.

Turmeric And Milk Paste

Apply it on areas with unwanted hair.

Say goodbye to those pesky hairs with this natural nourishing mixture.

Sugar And Lemon Juice

Apply and pull it away with wax strips in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Apply this mixture on target areas, leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

Papaya And Turmeric Paste

Papaya contains papain that helps break hair follicles and reduce hair growth.

Want a smooth and gentle skin? Then this is the scrubber you need.

Oatmeal And Banana Scrub

Oatmeal acts as a gentle exfoliant and banana helps moisturise the skin.

An age-old remedy for hair removal is gram flour or besan.

Gram flour and yogurt mask

Regular application nourishes skin and reduses hair growth.