How to get your daily dose of Vitamin D on foggy winter days

Winter is here. Much of India is covered by dense fog, resulting in drastically limited sun exposure. But worry not. Here are some tips that will help you get enough Vitamin D.

Even on cloudy days, spending time outdoors can expose you to UVB rays, aiding in Vitamin D synthesis.

Sun exposure

Plan your outdoor activities for when the sun is at its peak. This increases the possibility of being exposed to UVB rays, even on foggy days.

Step out at the right time

Make small additions to your diet. Have more foods like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), fortified dairy or plant-based milk, eggs, and mushrooms to boost the Vitamin D intake.

Vitamin D-fortified foods

If getting enough Vitamin D from your meals and sunlight is difficult, consider taking supplements. Consult a healthcare expert to determine the right dosage for your specific needs.

Take supplements

UV lamps designed for indoor use can simulate sunlight and aid in Vitamin D production. Be cautious, and follow the guidelines to prevent overexposure.

Indoor UV lamps

Check your Vitamin D levels with blood testing regularly to ensure that you maintain adequate levels, especially during months when natural sunshine is scarce.

Monitor levels

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