How To Gradually Reduce Your Daily Sugar Intake

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Identification of High-Sugar Foods

A crucial first step involves recognising food items high in sugar and substituting them with healthier alternatives. Prioritising low-sugar options, especially in the morning, set a positive tone for the day.

Addressing Sugar Cravings

Opting for alternative sweeteners, such as sucralose and stevia, can provide a sweet taste without the caloric impact. Nevertheless, the goal should be to gradually decrease reliance on these substitutes.

Mindful Consumption of Processed Foods

Many popular processed foods, including bread, sauces, and yoghurts, contain significant amounts of added sugar. Gradual reduction of these items from the diet is advisable.

Awareness of Packet Foods

Careful consideration is needed when consuming packet foods, as sugar may be present under different names within various ingredients. Substituting sugar with alternatives like honey or natural sweeteners, in moderation, is a healthier choice.

Understanding the Glycemic Index

Prioritising foods with a low glycemic index and high nutrient content is a cornerstone of a balanced diet. These foods promote stable blood sugar levels and contribute to overall health.