12 superfoods that improve sperm count, motility

Moneycontrol News | April 22, 2024 | Images: Canva

Eggs: Rich in protein and protective antioxidants, eggs provide essential  nutrients for sperm health. The amino acids  in eggs help in the formation of strong  and healthy sperm cells

Spinach: High in folic acid, spinach aids in sperm development and reduces the chances of abnormal sperm, which can hinder fertilization. Folic acid is crucial for maintaining DNA integrity in sperm

Bananas: Packed with vitamins A, B1, and C, bananas promote the production of healthy sperm. Bromelain, an enzyme found in bananas, reduces inflammation and supports overall sperm quality

Maca roots: Known for increasing sperm count and fertility, maca roots also enhance semen volume, which is essential for successful fertilisation

Asparagus: It is rich in vitamin C that fights free radicals and protects testicular cells. This helps in improving sperm count, motility, and overall quality

Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate contains L-Arginine HCl, an amino acid that has been linked to increased sperm count and volume. The antioxidants in dark chocolate also contribute to better sperm health

Walnuts: Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts improve blood flow to the testicles, boosting sperm volume. Antioxidants in it help in removing toxins from the bloodstream, which can enhance overall sperm health

Pumpkin seeds: Rich in phytosterol,  pumpkin seeds support testosterone production, which is essential for sperm count and fertility

Oysters: Oysters are high in zinc, essential for sperm production and quality. Zinc deficiency has been linked to poor sperm health

Tomatoes: Lycopene in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with increased sperm count. Tomatoes and tomato-based products can be beneficial for sperm health

Garlic: Allicin in garlic improves blood flow to male sexual organs, which can positively impact sperm count and volume. Garlic also has antioxidant properties

Pomegranate: Drinking pomegranate juice has been shown to protect sperm from damage. It contains antioxidants that can improve sperm quality and motility