How To Invest For Your Children's Future

A child savings bank account is a traditional banking investment.

Bank Deposits

FDs are a good option to explore long-term investments.

Fixed Deposits

Children-specific insurance policies cover major expenses such as education and marriage.

Insurance Policies

PPF offers a higher rate as compared to FDs or savings accounts. It has a maturity period of 15 years.

Public Provident Fund

Gold is a valuable asset for your kid's future. It's also a good hedge against inflation.


Go for the lump sum payment or start a SIP. 

Mutual Funds

A ULIP-based child plan can help meet the costs related to education or marriage.

Unit Linked Insurance Plans

The SSY can be opened when a girl child is born or before she reaches 10 years of age.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Any parent/guardian can invest for a minor. Chidren above 10 years can invest in their names.

Post Office Time Deposit

You can help your child pursue his/her dreams by investing in their future.