How to lift your mood naturally

Moneycontrol News | December 8, 2023 | Images: Canva

superfoods that boost dopamine level

Fatty fish: Omega-3 fatty acids found abundantly in salmon, mackerel,  and sardines support brain health and  aid in dopamine production. These healthy fats help maintain the integrity  of brain cell membranes, promoting optimal neurotransmitter function

Almonds: Rich in tyrosine, an amino acid crucial for dopamine synthesis, almonds are a convenient and delicious snack to elevate your mood. They also contain magnesium, a mineral that supports overall brain health

Avocados: The creamy, nutrient-packed avocados contain folate, which assists  in regulating dopamine levels. This  fruit is also a source of healthy fats  that aid in nutrient absorption, promoting a healthy brain

Bananas: Packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6 and magnesium, bananas play a vital role in converting amino acids into dopamine. Their natural sugars provide a quick energy boost, contributing to a sense of well-being

Eggs: Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients, including vitamin D, essential for dopamine regulation. They also contain tyrosine and other B vitamins crucial for neurotransmitter synthesis

Dark chocolates: Indulging in a square  of dark chocolate not only pleases the taste buds but also boosts dopamine levels. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids and phenylethylamine, compounds that can positively impact mood and neurotransmitter activity

Berries: Colourful berries  like strawberries, blueberries,  and raspberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, supporting brain health and potentially increasing dopamine production

Green tea: Beyond its soothing properties, green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which can increase dopamine levels and promote a sense  of calmness and focus

Turmeric: This vibrant spice  boasts curcumin, known for its  anti-inflammatory properties.  Studies suggest that curcumin may  also increase dopamine levels, contributing to overall brain health

Pumpkin seeds: A small but  mighty snack, pumpkin seeds are  a rich source of magnesium, zinc,  and antioxidants, supporting healthy dopamine levels and brain function