How to Make Agra-special Petha at Home

Cut a fully ripe petha (pumpkin) into cubes.

Remove the seeds and prick the pieces with a fork.

In a container, add 2 liters of water and 2 tsp of limestone powder. Stir well.

Soak the petha pieces in the limestone water and set aside for 10 to 12 hours.

Rinse under running water until limestone is removed.

Boil the pethas in enough water on a high flame until they are transparent.

Now, strain it until all the water has drained out.

Take 1 kg of sugar and add 3 cups of water to it. Cook until the sugar dissolves.

Put the petha pieces in the syrup and let it soak overnight.

Cook for a few more minutes, let it cool, and you're done!