Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

How to Make Aloe Vera Payasam

Payasams are widely popular in South India. Payasam is a kind of kheer that is made using milk, vegetables, and dry fruits.

In south India, people use different types of vegetables to make payasams. Aloe vera payasams are fast emerging as favourites.

Ingredients required: Aloe vera – 2 leaves ; Lentils – 1 tumbler ; Grated jaggery – 2 tbsp ; Milk – 2 tumblers ; Cardamom powder – ½ tbsp ; Salt – As per taste ; Dry fruits (cashews, raisins, almonds, pistachios) – As per requirement.

Take two big aloe vera leaves, remove the outer skin of the plant, and take out the pulp in a bowl. 

Then, it is important to wash the extracted aloe vera pulp about 8-10 times with clean water. This is done so that all the dirt is properly removed. 

The aloe vera should be washed until the sliminess on top of it is completely removed. After washing it properly, the pulpy part should be cut into small pieces. 

The next step is to add lentils to a cooker. Then, pour enough water into it and close the lid. Then, wait for two whistles, and then open the cooker and add milk to it.

Once the milk starts boiling, add grated jaggery to it. Once the jaggery is completely mixed, add the chopped aloe vera to it.

Then add some water to the mixture. After boiling all these, add cardamom powder and salt to taste.

In the end, close the lid again and let it cook. Once everything is done, add dry fruits to it.