How to Make Chocolate Banana Cake

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey 

Not only is this chocolate banana cake a treat for the taste buds, but it also carries a healthy touch.

Ingredients Needed: Flour: 1 cup, Eggs: 2, Sugar: 1/2 cup, Oil: 5 teaspoons, Ripe bananas: 2, Cocoa powder: 3 tablespoons, Baking powder: 1 teaspoon, Baking soda: 1/2 teaspoon, Vanilla essence: 1 teaspoon, Salt: A pinch, Milk or water: 1/4 cup

Step 1: Peel the bananas and cut them into small pieces.

Step 2: Place the banana pieces in a blender.

Step 3: Add eggs (or curd as an alternative), oil, vanilla essence, and sugar to the blender. Blend the ingredients thoroughly.

Step 4: Once a smooth paste is obtained, incorporate cocoa powder, flour, a pinch of salt, and baking powder into the mix. Stir these ingredients well to prepare the cake batter.

Step 5: Pour the batter into a baking dish lined with parchment paper. If the batter is too thick, you can add a little milk or water to achieve the desired consistency.

Step 6: Preheat the oven to approximately 180 degrees Celsius. Place the cake in the oven and bake for about 35 to 40 minutes. Regularly check the cake to ensure it’s baking evenly.

Step 7: Once the cake is ready, transfer it to a plate. You can enhance its appeal by drizzling liquid chocolate or adding small chocolate pieces as toppings. For an extra festive touch, consider decorating with colourful gems or your favourite fruit pieces.