Ingredients:• 2 cups of desiccated coconut (keep some extra for coating)• 1 cup condensed milk• 1/4 cup milk• 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder• A pinch of saffron (optional)• 2 tablespoons ghee• Nuts for garnishing (optional)
Place a pan on low heat and add2 tablespoons of ghee to it.
Add 1.75 cups of desiccated coconutto the pan and lightly toast it on a lowflame until it emits a nice aroma.
Pour the milk into the toastedcoconut and mix well.
Add condensed milk to the mixture and stir until it blends properly.
Cook the mixture on a low flame, andadd cardamom powder and saffronstrands (optional) for flavouring.
Grease your palms with a bit of ghee,take small portions of the mixture,and shape them into balls.
Roll the ladoos in the desiccatedcoconut until they are evenly coated.Optionally, you can press a piece ofnut into the top of each ladoo.