How to Make Your Child Love Maths?

Producer: Peuli Bakshi

Make it Fun

Use board games, math games and math-related apps to make learning enjoyable.

Real-World Applications

Involve your child in activities like cooking, shopping or DIY projects that require measurement.

Be Patient and Supportive

Offer support, patience and encouragement when your child faces challenges with math concepts.

Find Their Interests

Incorporate your child's interests into math activities. For example, if they enjoy sports, explore math concepts statistics or geometry of the field.

Use Visual Aids

Utilize visual aids like diagrams, charts and real objects to help your child visualize math concepts.

Provide Challenges

Offer math challenges and puzzles that are slightly above your child's current level, to keep them engaged.

Be a Positive Role Model

Show enthusiasm for math and demonstrate its relevance and importance in various aspects of life.

Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge your child's efforts in math, no matter how small, for boosting their confidence and for motivation.