How To Prevent Cervical Cancer

Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Quit smoking

Kicking the butt can help boost the immune system and reduce risk of cervical cancer and other health problems.

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Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help boost energy, mood, and the immune system. In cancer patients, doing exercise on a daily basis will help to reduce the stress of cancer and its treatment.

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Avoid consuming birth control pills

Avoid consuming birth control pills as it associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer.

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Avoid multiple sex partners

Women who tend to have multiple sexual partners are at a higher risk of getting cervical cancer because a higher number of partners increases the chance of a person’s exposure to HPV. 

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Regular pap smear or screening

Regular pap smear and liquid-based cytology after the age of 30 years for HPV is advised. The pap test and the HPV test can help prevent cervical cancer or find it early.

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