How To Prevent Excessive Sweating In Summers

Producer: Peuli Bakshi Editor: Manuj Yadav

Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water helps maintain your body's temperature, reducing the need to sweat excessively for cooling down.

Take Cool Showers: A cool shower can lower your body temperature, temporarily reducing sweating.

Use Powder: Applying talcum or cooling powder to sweat-prone areas can absorb excess moisture, keeping you dry.

Avoid Spicy Foods: Spicy foods can trigger your sweat glands, increasing perspiration. Opt for milder flavours to stay cooler.

Stay Indoors During Peak Hours: Avoid the sun when it's at its hottest, typically between 12 am and 4 pm, to reduce sweating.

Use Fans or Air Conditioning: Keeping your living and working spaces cool with fans or AC can help minimize sweating.

Wear Light Colours: Light-colored clothing reflects sunlight, unlike dark colors which absorb it, helping you stay cooler.

Choose Breathable Fabrics: Natural fibers like cotton allow your skin to breathe, reducing sweat accumulation.

Practice Relaxation Techniques: Stress can induce sweating. Techniques like yoga or meditation can help manage stress, and in turn sweating.