How To Spot A Fake Friend

They are always around when the spotlight’s on but mysteriously vanish when you need them.

The “invisible” supporter

They are expert at turning a small issue into a big blockbuster movie!

Drama queen

They are always trying to outdo you. Their friendship feels more like a competition than a connection.

The Jealous one

Friends don’t gossip about each other, but these friends spill the tea as if its their tea to spill!

Gossip Guru

They are like chameleon; they change their opinion based on who they are with.


Every relationship needs effort. Friends who ghost each other are not the ones to be trusted.

Lack of efforts

We want a friendship like Raju and Rancho from 3 Idiots.

Lack of support

They make jokes at your expense. Their laughter is like a jab at your weakness.

Judgmental Jester

Fake friends suck the positive energy you have and fill you with negativity.

Energy vampires

A true friend will let you know of your mistake and solve it. They won’t hold onto it and use it against you.

Grudge holder