By Priyanka Deshpande

Published July 3, 2024

Planning to attend a large crowded event? 8 things to consider before going

Human stampedes can occur due to various reasons, including overcapacity, poor crowd control, poorly planned event spaces with no clear exits, and narrow spaces. If you are planning to attend a large crowded event, here's what you should keep in mind:

Pay attention to your surroundings and leave highly congested areas as soon as you start to feel uncomfortable and have enough room to move.


Arrange a place to meet your family or travel companions in case you are separated.


Take a water bottle and drink plenty of fluids.


Locate emergency exits upon arrival.


Wear comfortable shoes and avoid wearing long, flowy clothes or jewellery that can get caught or tangled.


Be aware of choke points in a venue and avoid them.


Check weather forecast as sudden rain or storm could cause the crowd to panic when seeking shelter.


Identify where to obtain emergency medical services on site if needed.
