Ikigai and more: 10 Japanese techniques to feel more energetic

Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing): Immerse yourself in nature to reduce stress and boost vitality.

Ikigai (Purpose): Find your life's purpose to fuel motivation and enthusiasm for daily activities.

Kaizen (Continuous Improvement): Adopt small, incremental changes to enhance productivity and overall well-being.

Genki (Wellness): Prioritise holistic health through balanced nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest.

Wabi-Sabi (Appreciation of Imperfection): Embrace imperfections to reduce perfectionist tendencies and boost self-acceptance.

Kansha (Gratitude): Learn to be gratuitous for the present moment and appreciate the small joys in life.

Hara Hachi Bu (Eating Mindfully): Practise mindful eating and stop when you’re 80 per cent full to prevent overeating and maintain energy levels.

Yutori (Balance): Create space in your schedule for leisure and relaxation to prevent burnout and maintain energy.

Nenmatsu Nenshi (Year-End, Year-Beginning): Reflect on past achievements and set intentions for the future to stay motivated and energised.

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