Respiratory Infections and Pollution: Insights from Dr. Milind Kirtane

Publish by Priyanka Deshpande

Byline: Ekta Batra

Published July 15 2024

Dr. Milind Kirtane, an ENT specialist, shares his insights on handling recurrent respiratory infections, the appropriate use of antibiotics, and the impact of pollution on respiratory health.

He advises using antibiotics only for clear bacterial infections, characterised by symptoms like fever and sputum.

Persistent cough post-COVID-19 may not always require antibiotics to prevent complications such as antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotics should be sparingly used in children; their natural immunity often suffices for recovery from respiratory infections.

Focus on symptomatic relief rather than antibiotics is preferred for managing children's respiratory ailments.

Inflammatory effects of pollution exacerbate respiratory conditions and increase susceptibility to infections.

Dr. Kirtane recommends minimising exposure to polluted environments whenever possible to safeguard respiratory health.

Wearing masks in polluted or construction-heavy areas is advised as a practical measure to reduce inhalation of harmful pollutants.

While steam inhalation provides symptomatic relief by loosening secretions, it does not prevent respiratory infections and should be seen as supportive care.