India boosts nuclear arsenal as global stockpiles evolve in 2024

By Vivek Dubey

Published June 18, 2024

All nine nuclear-armed states modernised their arsenals in 2023, deploying new nuclear-capable systems, enhancing their strategic capabilities.

Growing Arsenal

The estimated total global inventory in January 2024 was 12,121 warheads, with 9,585 in military stockpiles, ready for potential use.

Total Warheads

Out of the military stockpiles, 3,904 warheads were deployed with missiles and aircraft, an increase of 60 from January 2023.

Deployed Warheads

Approximately 2,100 of the deployed warheads are in high operational alert, predominantly belonging to Russia and the USA, with China joining them.

High Alert

India and Pakistan maintained modest increases, with India’s count rising to 172 and Pakistan's stable at 170, highlighting ongoing regional tensions.

India and Pakistan

Israel’s count stayed at 90 warheads, while North Korea’s increased from 30 to 50, indicating advancements in their respective nuclear programs.

Israel and North Korea

China increased its warhead count from 410 in 2023 to 500 in 2024, reflecting its growing nuclear capabilities and strategic ambitions.

Chinese Increase

France's nuclear warheads remained constant at 290, aligning with its policy of a stable and credible deterrent force.

Consistent French Arsenal

The United Kingdom maintained its nuclear arsenal at 225 warheads, focusing on strategic stability rather than expansion.

Stable UK Count

Russia's nuclear warheads decreased from 5,889 in 2023 to 5,580 in 2024, maintaining a significant portion on high alert.

Russian Stockpile

The United States saw a reduction in its warhead count from 5,244 in 2023 to 5,044 in 2024, reflecting strategic adjustments.

US Arsenal