India is back to number 5 among global investment destinations

Published Jan 17, 2024

India has reclaimed the fifth position as an investment destination for global CEOs, up from number 9 in 2023.

These are the findings from a survey of CEOs conducted by PwC, an international consulting firm.

86% of India CEOs believe the Indian economy will improve over the next 12 months.

Optimism among CEOs about India’s growth potential is up nearly 30% in the last one year.

India CEOs plan to increase headcount by 5% over the next 12 months.

More than 62% of Indian CEOs are ‘extremely confident’ of good revenue growth this year. Globally, the same figure is at 37%. 

The CEO confidence in revenue growth is even higher, at 70%, for the next three years.

Cyber risks, inflation and health risks are the three key concerns for India CEOs.

30% of Indian CEOs believe generative AI will help them decrease headcount by more than 5% this year.

More than 61% of Indian CEOs see change in customer preferences as a key reason for reinventing how they create and deliver value.